Just few weeks to choose your workcamps!
In Poland, we propose you a lot of different topics for your useful holidays!
More informations : www.fiye.pl or www.workcamps.pl
Or just come to the office : ul.3 Maja, 19, 06-100 Pultusk
Your leaders are waiting for you, and they are ready after a training in Pultusk organised by Centrum Miedzinarodowej Wymiany Mlodziezy i Wolontariatu.
During your workcamp, they can propose you:
- construction games:
- drawing:
- reflection time:
- good food:
And don't worry about the language... at least you have the body language:
And the most important... free hugs and funny time together!!! :)
So... why do you still hesitate?! ;)
COME and JOIN US to get new skills, to learn more about you and other cultures, to work together, to get new friends, to have useful holidays...and... to have FUN!!!