Just arrived after Mid-term we were invited to Christmas
Evening for Seniors Club, which was appointed on 14th of December. As
international volunteers we shared how Christmas and New Year are celebrated in
our countries.
Of course there are a lot of similar traditions, but at the
same time there is something special in each culture! Let’s see what similar
and different have people from Hungary, Poland and Russia about Christmas and
New Year.
Christmas in Hungary

On 24th of December life in Hungary goes around Christmas. Streets
are empty and some people are decorating Christmas trees, others are making
dinner for the family feast. Traditionally people serve dishes with fish – Halászlé
(fish soup) and carp baked with potatoes. Why carp? The answer is easy – the fish
symbolize wealth and well-being for everyone! In every family there is own
secret recipe they follow for years! Töltött pulyka (stuffed turkey) and Pörkölt
(stew) are also favorite dishes in many families. It’s hard to imagine Hungarian
Christmas without Bejgli – rolled dough filled with nuts or poppy seeds, people
buy them in cake-shops or bake at home. And of course time for presents is the
most pleasant time – brightly and colorfully packed they wait for children and
adults under the Christmas tree! When dinner is finished religious people go to
the Church for Christmas mess. And the day after is the day for visiting
relatives and friends.
Christmas in Poland

Christmas has an important place in life of Polish people.
Especially if we talk about Wigilia, Christmas Eve in Polish. There is a
special role for Christmas decorations – the main element of it is a Christmas
tree and Christmas wreaths. Also you can see compositions represent Holy
Family, Christ Child and Magis. On 24th of December people cover tables with a
white covering and set a table for the all family plus for one uninvited guest.
Traditionally people lay little piece of hey under the covering as a symbol of
well-being for the family. Christmas dinner should consist of 12 dishes.
is one rule – all the dishes should be without meat. Usually among all the
dishes there is “polish borsz” (beetroot broth), pierogi with cabbage, bigos
and of course plenty of pies, gingerbread and poppy seed rolls. Every member of
family has to try each dish at least once. And traditionally for all Catholical
countries after the dinner people go to Christmas mess.
New Year and Christmas in Russia

It is well-known that most people in Russia are orthodox.
That’s why we have Christmas on 7th of January. The reason is Julian calendar wasn’t
change to new Gregorian one and that’s why we have 13 days difference.
Unfortunately, most of Christmas traditions in Russia are just history now
because in 1918 it was prohibited to celebrate Christmas. It’s so sad to
imagine that children didn’t see the Christmas tree that year! Only in 1935
holiday appeared again, but it became rather New Year celebration then
Christmas – because of anti-religious propaganda most of traditions were lost
in history. Now only most religious people celebrate it according to all
traditions, but others just prepare Christmas dinner and spend nice time with
That’s why for most people in Russia nowadays New Year is
more significant than Christmas. For this reason there are more traditions
connected with New Year. For example, my favorite – making a wish! The secret
is to write down a wish on a little piece of paper, burn it, throw ash in a
glass with champagne and drink while Kremlin clock is striking twelve times! Also
according to Russian tradition how you celebrate New Year's will dictate the
course of the next 12 months...So that’s why people prefer celebrate it with
family and close friends. And for this reason also there are so many dishes on
the table – meat, fish, and different salads and of course caviar! If you have
a lot of tasty food on your table, a year will be rich and prosperous.
And of course New Year and Christmas are favorite holidays
for all children in the World. In each country there are characters that come
especially for this time and secretly give presents to children! In Russia
there are even two main characters – Ded Moroz (Father Frost) and his
grand-daughter Sniegourochka. Together they go to New Year’s parties in
kindergartens and schools and leave sweets and tangerines under the New Year
In Poland and Hungary live brothers of Russian Ded Moroz - Święty
Mikołaj and Mikulás, but unlike from him they bring presents much earlier – at
6th of December. In Hungary there an interesting tradition – good children get
chocolates fruits from Mikulás, while bad children get “virgács” (a broom) from
little evil-helper of Mikulás – Krampusz. In 24th of December children get
presents again – this time from little Jezuska.
In the end I’d like to wish Merry Christmas and Happy New
Year for everyone! Enjoy your holidays, spend time actively and gather energy
for the next year! See you soon!