First of all, in this second workcamp in Naldesnictwo we had 4 Volunteers, one guy from Barcelona (Spain) Roberto, one boy from Forchheim ( Germany ) Lorenz, one really funny girl from Germany (Berlin) also, called Indra and an Italian girl from Torino called Valeria, but she always prefer us to call her Vale (It's like "ok" in Spanish). The workcamp leader was Aga, a Polish girl who came from Konin to help the volunteers! Here I will left a photo of them all in their arrival to Pultusk.
Just after coming from Warsaw and reaching the bus stop of Pultusk, they decided to take a photo of themselves to rememorate the moment when they were going to start to work!
From left to right, you have Roberto, Lorenz, Indra, Vale and Aga.
I'll skip personal comments about them for now and talk a bit about the workcam itself, well... on the first night as there was almost no food in the flat just the basic things and considering there was an Italian girl what is better than a big plate of Pasta? We even had a guest!
On the first day, we went to the office in Nadlesnitcwo to learn about the project, they put us a video about how the forestry is working in Poland and how there are more and more threes every year even when the production of Wood is growing, also they provide us a bag with good, and a meal every day at 15:00, as well as the rest of the money for dinner and breakfasts.
Basically the work was to help in the forest, either removing branches, cleaning places, counting trees, or cleaning the path across the forest.
There was also time to rest and to eat our middle of the day food.
The second work, was clearing a bunker to make it better for the visitors, so we had to remove sand from the borders and make that place good looking
You can apreciate how it was in the
after the hard work of the volunteers, it looked really good, of course there was also a bit of time to rest, as the work was really heavy, there was tons of sand, plus a lot of trash to take care of.
The last works were a bit more soft, like counting threes and cleaning path of bottles, on a side note I have to say that the thing the volunteers like the most from the lunches they were preparing was the compot, actually it was really nice.
Will she find her prince in the forest of Poland?
There are more stories to tell, but it will come later! see ya!!!