wtorek, 25 sierpnia 2015

Warsztaty kulinarne kuchni rosyjskiej

Cześć ! W piątek 14 sierpnia odbyły się warsztaty kulinarne w ramach projektu "Skosztuj świata", które poprowadziła Elena. W menu zagościła m.in. sałatka Winegret, Solyanka, Ikra kabaczkowa i Oladi.
Pełną relację z tego spotkania możecie przeczytać na www.skosztujswiata.blogspot.com.  Miłej lektury! :)

poniedziałek, 3 sierpnia 2015

V Przegląd Twórczości Abstynenckiej ŚWIT

                                      August was announced the month of sobriety in Pultusk.
     On Saturday, the 1-st of August, we participated in retrospective of creation organized by the Association of Pułtusk Sobriety "Dawn". Some of our local volunteers - Sylwia and Alicja -  were helping me to orgаnize space for children. 

     From 14 p.m. to 18 p.m. Sylwia was painting faces, cats, dogs, butterflies, spiderman and zombi were the most popular among children. Elena was making dogs, giraffes, rabbits, swans from baloons and Russian dools from napkins. 
     During the afternoon every child had a chance to participate in painting competition, in the end everybody have got their prizes. 

      The atmosphere was a picnic, the territory near landing stage was full of people. There were a lot of attractions for children and adults. During whole day we were listening a live music, have got free soup and sausages and were swiming in the gandolla :-)

Take care and remember, that August is the month of sobriety,


Vacation in library

     This July we were actively cooperating with the library im. Joachima Lelewela, which works with little readers every summer, organizing different activities and special plastic workshop.

      Sunny Saturday 27-th of June we were celebrating The Day of Smurfs. Around 70 children with their parents took part in this holiday. There were a lot of interesting attractions and activities waiting for them. The place covered by carpet of grass behind the library was divided in some parts, where every Smurf can to play with children or to share their own talent. For example, Elena was Painter who tried somehow to paint different animals faces. Every Smurf even had their own white hat :-)
Everybody have got tasty ice cream, had a possibility to make a photo with Smurf photo buds.

     Except that our workcamp volunteers  spent one day with our little readers. They have prepared for this day presentations about their countries, coloring books and songs. Mariana from Ukraine gave us a dance class (very similar to Polish kaczuszki).  Jo from Korea also got lessons in dance, but this time to the well-known song "Gangnam Style".

     And our EVS volunteer Elena spent two weeks working with children too. Vacation in library lasted only two hours every day. In general librarian in children sector Justyna hold different interesting workshops somehow connected with reading and books. We colored  scenes from famous books or tried to paint by our own, made different animals from paper. Children took part in a lesson about Russia with making paper matryoshki and dolls from napkins. 

     Hope library will continue to work with our organization and even will invite EVS volunteers :-)

Have a nice day and protect children,
