Between 9th and 19th of September we had the chance to host in Pułtusk three motivated Japanese students who came here to share their culture with Polish students. Meet Ryotaro, Genki and Haruka!
Haruka |
Ryo |
Genki |
Our three Japanese participants and their Polish group leader Daniel stayed in Hostel Polon and another Polish participant Zuzia who joined the project at last moment stayed at her home in Pułtusk and participated during the day.
The main part of the project were visits to schools and presenting Japanese culture to the students. We visited school nr. 1 on Wednesday and Thursdays with presentation, workshops and quizes for 4 groups.
Then on Friday we made a lot of origami with the younger kids, cleaned a pavement and planted trees in the schools garden.
In the afternoon we played Japanese games in the culture center and after celebrated in Kamienica :)
On Monday we presented Japan in Prus and on Tuesday we cooked there with the students.
During their free time, we prepared a bbq and a campfire, the volunteers tried to make their own pierogi, went canoeing, drank wodka, picked mushrooms, played football and more.. ;)
Thank you so much dear friends!!!