Ann-Katrin normally works and hold presentations about Germany. They told about for different topics: landscapes, food, traditions and a day in a German Kindergarten.
The kids were excited to learn more about the country where the teacher is from.
Toby and Ann-Katrin started with the topic landscape and big cities. The kids were surprised how many different landscapes they have in Germany and understood that some of them are the same as in Poland. At the end of the presentation some kids said that they want to visit Germany.

The second topic was food. They told about traditional dishes and popular firms that are German for example Haribo. The children recognized that every region in Germany have a special food or dish. In Bavaria they eat for example white sausages with sweet mustard and in the north the people eat sandwiches with fish. The kindergarten kids told our volunteers that they have food which depends on the region too.

In the third week they spook about traditions in there country. The all saw that they have some same but also some different traditions. At Eastern and Sylvester polish and German celebrate almost the same way but Santa is not filling shoes at the morning of the 6 December in Poland. For polish people was new that they have St.Martins day in Germany.

The last topic a day in a German Kindergarten. The most interesting fact for the children was that they don’t have lessons in Kindergarten.
All of them enjoyed to learn more about the cultures of each other. One main idea of doing the presentations was to show the kids that every country have there own culture and get them more open-minded for them.