czwartek, 26 lipca 2012

Workcamps in Pultusk in August !

Hey dear friends !

Centrum Międzynarodowej Wymiany Mlodzieży i Wolontariatu organize two workcamps in August to work with children in Pultusk !

We will have the pleasure to host people from Italy, Greece, Japan,... .

If you want to join us ! You find informations below : 

Don't hesitate to contact us for more informations and to praticipate ! 

This will be also an opportunity to meet people come from other countries ! And work together with children!

COME and ENJOY ! :)

Traveller's club. n°1. China in Pultusk !

Hey, Hey, Hey,

Every Monday afternoon at 5 p.m the association Centrum Międzynarodowej Wymiany Mlodzieży i Wolontariatu from Pultusk invites you to participate of "Traveller's club" in the Library Joachima Lelewela (ulica Słowackiego 6). 

This is an opportunity to discover other countries through the stories of travelers.

For the first edition Sylwia introduced us to China.

Sylwia's presentation.

During the "Traveller's club" you also can see pictures, newspaper, ans some typical things about the country which introduce you.

A big thank you to our host : the library Joachima Lelewela.

Don't forget our next rendez-vous Monday 30 July at 5 p-m to discover Norway!


wtorek, 17 lipca 2012

Pultusk honors its artists.

Thrusday 12 July, the city of Pultusk was honored its artists and every people who were participed in the cultural (paint, architectur....) life on Pultusk !

We were greeted in Art Galery of Pultusk. Each of them were thanked and received one rose for their contribution of "Art in Pultusk". A symbolic "Thank you" ("Merci" or "Dziękuję") for the many artists !

                                                                                         Artists honors !

Don't hesitate to visit this wonderful exhibition of paintings !

You can find all informations about this exhibition in this short book !

Your French correspondent in Pultusk from Centrum Międzynarodowej Wymiany Mlodzieży i Wolontariatu.

piątek, 13 lipca 2012

Bibliothèque publique de Pultusk : Joachima Lelewela.

The library was founded in 4 may 1947.
Since 1951 is located in a historic building at the street Słowackiego 6.

                                                                               In front of the library !

There are working 14 people, some trainees. Library has got four thousand readers.

Departement of library :
·         Children and youth

                                                    Books and the furniture are adapted for children !

·         Adults
·         Reading room
                                                                Chut ! People are reading !

The library organizes a lot of actions:
·         Exhibitions (now about Kurpie and folklore)
·         Nationwide contest  “o Laur błękitnej Narwii”
·         Contest about historical places in Pułtusk  “wyscig po historii”
·         Meetings with authors (spotkania autorskie)
·         For children:
*      Summer and winter holidays with library,2 hours each day
*      Literary and art contest
*      Days the town’s patron
*      Internet classes
*      They have got plans to do some program for youth about first aid preclinical.

Pułtusk’s library involved in program of the development libraries “program rozwoju bibliotek”.Because of that people can use computers, printer and free internet.

Especially thanks for Bożena Potyraj the headmastres (director) and Justyna Brzozwoska from department of children and youth. Thanks for good time in library and for interview.

And now, for our Polish friends, the translation in Polish :

Biblioteka została założona  4 maja 1947 roku. Od roku 1951 znajduje się w zabytkowym budynku przy ul. Słowackiego 6. Za sprawna działalność biblioteki, opiekę na czteroma tysiącami czytelników, odpowiada 14 zatrudnionych osób, stażyści.

Biblioteka posiada następujące działy:
·         dla dzieci
·         dla dorosłych
·         czytelnie,
·         a także dział gromadzenia i opracowania i dział do spraw powiatu.

Biblioteka otwarta jest na każdą działalność upowszechniająca kulturę. Organizowane jest tutaj wiele atrakcji, w których każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie
·         wystawy (aktualnie prezentowana jest wystawa folkloru rejonu Kurpi)
·         ogólnopolski konkurs  „ O laur błękitnej Narwi”
·         konkurs o historii i zabytkach Pułtuska
·         spotkania autorskie
·         dla dzieci:
Ø  Wakacje i ferie zimowe z biblioteka, organizowane codziennie przez 2 godziny.
Ø  Konkursy plastyczne i literackie
Ø  Dzień patrona miasta
Ø  Zajęcia internetowe
Ø  W fazie planowania  są także spotkania dla młodzieży, dotyczące uzależnień, pierwszej pomocy przedmedycznej.

Biblioteka w Pułtusku należy do programu rozwoju bibliotek, którego celem  jest wzmocnienie roli informacyjnej i społecznej publicznych bibliotekę. Dzięki temu programowi mieszkańcy gminy Pułtusk mogą korzystać z komputerów, drukarek, a także darmowego internetu.

Specjalne podziękowanie dla dyrektor biblioteki Pani Bożeny Potyraj, a także dla Pani Justyny Brzozowskiej. Za możliwość zobaczenia i udział w wakacjach w bibliotece, a także za wszelkie informacje i pomoc.

If you want more informations about this library you can visit :
or just GO ! and ASK !  You will see really nice people ! :)

Your French correspondent in Pultusk from Centrum Międzynarodowej Wymiany Mlodzieży i Wolontariatu.


Tandem Meetings, 2.

Dear friends of Tandem Meetings,

Thank you to all, more and more, participants. 

Last Wednesday, with Anna, another volunteer from Centrum Międzynarodowej Wymiany Mlodzieży i Wolontariatu we prepared some games to learn English, French and Polish.

1). The first game : Hangman, Le Pendu, Wisielec.

2). The second game consisted to find the part of body and to put the correctly "name" of part on a drawing of body. And of course the parts of body were written in English, in French and in Polsh.

                                                                           All body parts have been learned !

                                                                  Can you see his face ?

3). The third game : "What is it?", "Qu'est-ce que c'est?", "Co to jest?". The aim of this game was to put correctly the name of objects in a room. For example : window = fenêtre = okno, and so on...

All games were an opportunity to learn foreigner language but also to exchange ideas, meet new people... in JOY !:)

                                      Ventre? Belly? Brzuch? Stomach? What's part of body?

If you have some ideas for games or topicis for our next "rendez-vous"... don't hesitate to propose them ! This meeting is your meeting ! 

Next meeting : Wednesday 25 July, from 16 to 18, in  Centrum Międzynarodowej Wymiany Mlodzieży i Wolontariatu, 3 maja 19, 06-100 Pultusk.

Serdecznie zapraszamy na kolejne "Tandem Meetings" ! 

You can also find us on facebook :

czwartek, 12 lipca 2012

"Kresowa Dusza" in Pultusk !

Hey dear Friends !

Last Sunday I can participate in the “Kresowa Dusza” in Dom Polonii in Pultusk! It was a really nice evening where we could listen traditional music from Poland and neighboring regions of Poland.

Among the groups present we can note one from the border of Czech Republic and Slovakia of “Zespoly i kapele folklorystyczne” (“folklore bands”), who gave us the music, song and traditional dances.

If you want more informations about this group, you can visit :

                                               Traditional clothes ! Very nice ! :)

                             Traditional music in the region in border to Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia !

Many people from Pultusk and the surroundings were presents for this event.

It was really a good evening ! J And it was nice for me, foreigner girl in Pultusk to see traditional dance and to listen to traditional music ! 

And don't forget, if you want more informations about us : Centrum Międzynarodowej Wymiany Mlodzieży i Wolontariatu, 3 maja 19, 06-100 Pultusk, don't hesitate to contact us, to know what activities we can to propose you ! 

 Phone : 23 692 07 53

Facebook : Centrum Miedzynarodowej Wymiany Mlodziezy i Wolontariatu Polska

e-mail : or

I'll see you soon for my new adventures in Pultusk ! :)

wtorek, 3 lipca 2012

"Tandem Meetings" in Pultusk

Hey, Hey, Hey !

Tomorrow we have our first « rendez-vous » : “Tandem Meetings” between 4 p-m and 6 p-m in the association Centrum Międzynarodowej Wymiany Mlodzieży i Wolontariatu in Pultusk.

If you want to learn or improve foreigner languages, English, French,.... and help someone to learn or improve Polish or another one... COME ! J

The principe of this meeting : exchanging in foreigner language about various topics like environment, educationnal system, summer, work, holidays, music... and what you want !

Don’t hesitate to COME with or without your dictionnary !

We are waiting for you tomorrow from 4 p-m at the associaiton Centrum Międzynarodowej Wymiany Mlodzieży i Wolontariatu, 3 maja 19, 06-100 Pultusk.