środa, 12 września 2012

SPW, FIYE's close friend, has new EVS volunteers ! :)

Hey dear everyone !

Our close friend Stowarzyszenie Promocji Wolontariatu from Warsaw receives 8 new EVS volunteers !

They will work for SPW and also for its partners organisations. The last week-end, 8 and 9 September, we organised our first big meeting together in Helenow. And it was an amazing meeting !

Let's me to introduce you them : 

- Mihaela from Moldava, Corinna from Germany and Gayane from Armenia will work during their EVS project with our partner Centrum Rehabilitacji, Edukacji i Opieki in Helenow.

- Anne from Germany and Cristina from Spain will work during their EVS project with our partner Mlodziezowy Osrodek Socjoterpii "Jedrus".

- Elena from Germany and Claudia from Colombia will work during their EVs project with our partner Fundacja "Pomocna Dlon".

- Lusine from Armenia will work during her EVS project in the office of FIYE in Warsaw, Stowarzyszenie Promocji Wolontariatu.

This first week-end together had been time to know each other, to speak about their different projects, to speak about their fears and expectations... because is not all the time easy to arrive in foreigner country... even if Polish people are very nice! :)

This week-end was also the opportunity to take "weird" pictures... of your favorite "weird" foreigner volunteers !

Yes, we know... we are "strange" !

And don't worry inhabitants on Pultusk and near, this amazing new team is invited to participate in the activities of your association  Centrum Międzynarodowej Wymiany Mlodzieży i Wolontariatu, soon you will can see these "weird" faces in the reality !

Don't worry... they are very nice !

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