The arrival day was the 14th of July, a sunny Sunday. We had a little meeting to discuss the two weeks’ programme and we set up cleaning and cooking teams to share work in the flat. After that we started getting to know each other. We got to know that Hwan from South Korea plays the guitar and likes J Rabbit. It turned out that Marzena, our leader is a fan of travelling and she finished a workcamp in
The next day we headed towards the daycare right after breakfast. The kids were really excited to meet the new team of volunteers and after introduction and name games, they were already treated as good old friends. After lunch, we had a meeting with Justyna. She works at Polskie Radio and for one day they were broadcasting from Pułtusk. We first made a short video and then came the interviews for Czwórka. We were asked about our experience in volunteering, motivation to work with kids and future plans.
In the following days we played a looot of games inside and outside. Sometimes we became detectives, then we played really serious table football, basketball, badminton and table tennis matches. Sometimes we were exhausted and tired and fed up with kids jumping on and around us. But these kids are so full of love and energy that it is almost imposible to be mad at them. Almost.
Our weekend turned out to be a really
sporty one. We visited the workcampers in Komornica and we went kayaking together. We started from Dębe
and arrived to Modlin. That’s 15 kilometers . Our lifeguards were kind enough
to give us a ride back to the school which was our accommodation. Aching arms,
wet clothes and burned skins everywhere but it was worth it. In the evening we
had a campfire and played some funny
games together. In the morning we went to Zegrze.
After a missed bus, my friend, Kasia came to pick us up by car and we went to
the beach. We ate pierogi, everyone’s favourite Polish dish. We got so inspired that
the next day we made it at home for dinner. Surprisingly, it was really good at
our first try.
What have I learned?
More and more important and useful Polish words (especially if you work with kids), like ‘Późnej’ and “Poczekaj’. I also learned how to make pierogi with a Korean and not to disappoint our leader.
How locals reacted
As time went by everybody knew that we are foreigners but no one knew for sure what we are actually doing here. We got some smiles and friendly talks with some of the parents. They were happy to have their kids in an international environment.
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