I mentioned once that I have my little network
of teachers of Russian language. So this time Pani Dorotha from Gymnazium in
Dzierżenin and Pani Joanna from Liceum №1 in Pułtusk invited me for lessons
about Orthodox Christmas traditions. The structure of the lessons was simple – first
short presentation from which students got to know why Orthodoxal Christians
have Christmas (“Boże Narodzenie” in Polish or “Рождество Христово” in Russian) at 7th of Janua
ry, what a word “sochel’nik”
means, what dishes we eat for Christmas and New Year dinner and why New Year is
the main winter holiday. Then we saw a fragment from old famous movie “Night
before Christmas” («Вечера на хуторе близ Диканьки, или ночь перед Рождеством») directed by A. Rou in 1961. I chose that one
because it perfectly illustrates all the people’s Christmas traditions like
caroling and fortune-telling. After that students did little task. The main
idea of it was to listen to the dialog between Devil and a blacksmith Vakula
and then to fill in the missing words. Of course, because of the age students
from Liceum were more successful in doing this task and we had pretty much time
for comparing Christmas traditions of Poland and Russia. But smaller students
from Dzierżenin were also intrested and could even answer some of mine
questions in Russian!
I really enjoy making such kind of lessons and
can’t wait when I will meet these students! Next lesson for students in Liceum
is in February and it will be about Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. With
children from Gimnazium we will meet in the end of April for an Easter lesson.
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