wtorek, 7 maja 2019



Today we visited  public school Jana Pawła II in Płocochowie with Tobias and Jennifer.

Jennifer explained how the school system works in Honduras and what are the main volunteer activities for kids in Honduran schools with Sylwia's help. 

In every school in Honduras there's a school government runned by the students and each one can vote for their favorite candidates. Also, there's a groups of kids that help in the election day with the process. Before the elections, the candidates even run a campaing and go to each classroom and present their proposals. 
Some schools have a Youth Movement coordinated by a school professor. They do diverse activites all along the year like: visiting the seniors bringing them clothes, foods and just to have a nice time with them, sometimes they play with them, activities to raise money for phsyscally disable kids or to do other activities with the community or also, celebrate Childres's Day in a countryside public school.

The kids were very excited to make the "German-Honduran" quiz. Toby was in charge to make the questions, they learned a lot and they were suprised to find out what the currency of Honduras (by the way, it's LEMPIRA) 

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