poniedziałek, 17 września 2012

Europa Mobil : Centrum Międzynarodowej Wymiany Mlodzieży i Wolontariatu was there !

Dear friends,

This year, the event Europa Mobil is in Mazovia ! This event gathers young students form Europe who during 3 weeks travel on the high schools on Mazovia to inform young people about the opportunities give by the European Union for them !

Ah, yes I forgot : they travel on bus !

For sure, Centrum Międzynarodowej Wymiany Mlodzieży i Wolontariatu was there, the 13 September in the Liceum Czarniecki in Kozienice, to promote its activities of workcamps and European Volontary Service ! 

With Lusine, an EVS volunteer of our friend association SPW...
 a lot of people in our stand !

It was an opportunity for us to meet young students who were interesting to travel in Europe, for the workcamp next summer or for after their study to do an EVS !

And it was also the time to organise games about Europe...

And you! where do you want to go next summer for your workcamp ?

Great meeting ! If you want also organise your next summer holidays... you know our address : 
Centrum Międzynarodowej Wymiany Mlodzieży i Wolontariatu
ul. 3 maja, 19
06-100 Pultusk

And you will can also meet them the 23 September during the event to celebrate Saint Mattew !

See you soon ! :)  

środa, 12 września 2012

SPW, FIYE's close friend, has new EVS volunteers ! :)

Hey dear everyone !

Our close friend Stowarzyszenie Promocji Wolontariatu from Warsaw receives 8 new EVS volunteers !

They will work for SPW and also for its partners organisations. The last week-end, 8 and 9 September, we organised our first big meeting together in Helenow. And it was an amazing meeting !

Let's me to introduce you them : 

- Mihaela from Moldava, Corinna from Germany and Gayane from Armenia will work during their EVS project with our partner Centrum Rehabilitacji, Edukacji i Opieki in Helenow.

- Anne from Germany and Cristina from Spain will work during their EVS project with our partner Mlodziezowy Osrodek Socjoterpii "Jedrus".

- Elena from Germany and Claudia from Colombia will work during their EVs project with our partner Fundacja "Pomocna Dlon".

- Lusine from Armenia will work during her EVS project in the office of FIYE in Warsaw, Stowarzyszenie Promocji Wolontariatu.

This first week-end together had been time to know each other, to speak about their different projects, to speak about their fears and expectations... because is not all the time easy to arrive in foreigner country... even if Polish people are very nice! :)

This week-end was also the opportunity to take "weird" pictures... of your favorite "weird" foreigner volunteers !

Yes, we know... we are "strange" !

And don't worry inhabitants on Pultusk and near, this amazing new team is invited to participate in the activities of your association  Centrum Międzynarodowej Wymiany Mlodzieży i Wolontariatu, soon you will can see these "weird" faces in the reality !

Don't worry... they are very nice !

wtorek, 11 września 2012

Four months... already !

Dear everyone,

Four months already that I'm in Pultusk for my EVS in the association Centrum Międzynarodowej Wymiany Mlodzieży i Wolontariatu, it's time for a first summary of our activities.

And it's also and above all the time for me to tell you, all the participants of our activities : THANKS YOU !

During this first four months, we have proposed you :

The Traveller's Club

THANKS YOU for having participated !

The Tandem Meetings

THANKS YOU for these discussions !

THANKS YOU for coming always more !

The International Day in Pultusk

THANKS YOU for this amazing day !

The Workcamps

THANK YOU : teachers, children and volunteers ! For this first workcamp !

THANK YOU ... again : teachers, children and volunteers ! For this second workcamp !

THANKS YOU again and again chidren for this unbelivable energy and your smile !

A lot of activities during these first four months.... and don't worry it's not finish ! :)

Soon, you will can discover the programm what we will propose you on this blog ! 

Rendez-vous très prochainement ! :)