poniedziałek, 26 lutego 2018

Innovative and Creative Youth Empowerment Part 4

From 22 to 25 February we had a pleasure to organise an evaluation meeting of the project "Innovative and Creative Youth Empowerment" and host our lovely friends from Keric from Slovakia and Maailmanvaihto from Finland. The first working day was dedicated to visiting our local partners: Zespół Szkół im. B. Prusa in Pułtusk and Biblioteka Publiczna Gminy Pomiechówek and presenting our cooperation to the guests. In addition to the visit, in the library we tested our artistic skills during the workshop on making Easter palms.

The second working day was spent on summarising the project and discussing its results. Unfortunately, the weather (-11 degrees) did not let us enjoy walks in Pultusk.

The project was co-funded by Erasmus+.