sobota, 13 czerwca 2015

Powiatowe Forum Organizacji Edukacyjnych

Saturday 14th of June, sunny day, around 30ºC, and some people starting to mount the tents and organizing the tables, thats how it started.

We arrived at the backyard of the library at around 10:00 in the morning, as the main event started at 13:00 we had 3 hours to prepare everything, it was the first big event organized by the organization this year in Pultusk, first we decided the place where we were going to put the different tents and where we were going to organize the games and the competitions for people who would like to come.

In total we were 8 organizations taking part on it, at the beggining for them there was a welcome breakfast, cookies, tea, fruits, and cold water, to start the day with energy!

Colaboratos in forum: Stowarzyszenie Centrum Miedzynarodowej Wymiany Mlodziezy i Wolontariatu, Fundacja Centrum Zrównawozonego Rozwoju "Horyzonty", Fundacja "Przyszlosc w nauce", Fundacja Aktywizacji Spolecznej "Równaj Szanse" Stowarzyszenie Cech Rzemiosl Róznych i Przedsiedbiorczosci w Pultusku Stowarzyszenie Towarzystwo Naukowe "Educare", Humanistyczny Uniwersytet dla Dzieci Stowarzyszenie "Razem dla Jedynki" (przy Gimnazjum nr 1) Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciól Szokly "Trojeczka" (przy SP3), and from the authorities: Katarzyna Jankowska Dyrektor Wydzialu Edukacji, Kultury, Zdrowia i Sportu, Starostwo Powiatowe w Pultusku.

In the picnic part, the organizations taking part were: Stowarzyszenie Centrum Miedzynarodowej Wymiany Mlodziezy i Wolontariatu, doing bubbles, animals with balloons, paiting faces, organizing different competitions, and running a fast cooking workshop. Fundacja Centrum Zrownawozonego Rozwoju "Horyzonty", that was doing an exhibition about global education. Fundacja "Przyszlosc w nauce" was doing a chemical show. Stowarzyszenie Cech Rzemiosl Roznych i Przedsiebiorczosci w Pultusku. Stowarzyszenie Towarzystwo Naukowe "Educare" that was doing animals from balloons and figures from plastiline. Humanistyczny Uniwersytet dla Dzieci that were doing bracelets, origami and talking about egypt. Stowarzyszenie "Razem dla Jedynki" (przy Gimnazjum nr1) 3 students with materials about the activities of the association.

At 13:00 everything started. Aleksandra was doing interviews to whoever wanted to talk about their organization, as the main event started more and more people were arriving to the place to spend their time with us and to get to know the different participants who were taking part in the piknik. in the back part of the tents we had a few volunteers doing different things with the people who were coming close to them, Elena and Natalia were making different animals, flowers, "things" using large balloons, as well as teaching to the people how to do it. Hugo was making giang bubbles along with Natalia from time to time as well as organizing some competitions or other games for people who were approaching to where he was.

Together with the various activities from members of FIYE there was some volunteers like Emil, who was playing music and Iga who was in charge to take photos during the event. As stated before there were people making figures with plastiline in the University tent and close to eat and as well in the empty space in front of the tent was the science club showing to the people some experiments.

As the time was passing the people were going to the different stands and getting to know a bit of everything, the best part was that there were always new people coming to the event, giving it the effect we wanted to give, so more and more people from Pultusk were knowing about the organizations and what they can do with and for them.

When the even was almost over it was the time of three competitions for kids, with rewards, and a time to show a bit of cooking, Hugo was preparing Patatas Ali-Oli and Tomato and Oregan Salad, and Elena made bliny both Salty and Sweet, and the games we used for the competitions were, Limbo, a game in which you had to move water from one bucket to another and one where you had to eat apples that were in a rope without using your hands.

On a side note, to make the bubbles, as people were asking, you need per 10 parts of Destillated Water 1 part of Fairy and a teaspoon of Gliceryne.

poniedziałek, 8 czerwca 2015

Kalendarz wydarzeń czerwca


 XIII Wielki Jarmark Średniowieczny był w sobotę, mamy nadzieję, że Państwu się spodobało. Teraz chcemy przedstawić Państwu krótkie kalendarium wydarzeń z czerwca w Pułtusku, zorganizowanych specjalnie dla młodych ludzi.

11 czerwca - Koncert na zakończenie roku szkolnego organizowane przez szkoły muzycznej Yamaha. Dzieci, młodzież i dorośli z programu gitarowego. 

13 czerwca - Wieczór jubileuszowy 100-lecie kina. programie - wręczenie nagród laureatom konkursu literackiego, koncert zespołu NIEMY MOVIE muzyka i dubbing na żywo do filmu "Alicja w krainie czarów". 

13 czerwca - VII Ogólnopolski Konkurs Kulinarny „Kuchnia Polska Wczoraj i Dziś” . Dla tych, którzy lubią jeść :-) 

13 czerwca -  Piknik rodzinny Gry i zabawy sportowe, konkursy dla dzieciaków.

14 czerwca -  Festiwal Młodzieżowych Orkiestr Dętych. Dla sympatyków muzyki.

17 - 21 czerwca - Rajd Szlakiem Żołnierzy WyklętychWykłady, rekonstrukcja historyczna, wędrówka z mapą, terenowe gry tematyczne.

17 czerwca - dla sympatyków malarstwa -  Wystawa Georgija Asłanjana

18 czerwca - dla sympatyków literatury -  Akcja „Uwolnij książkę!”

18 czerwca - dla sympatyków kina - Pokaz filmowy EPOKA SZKOŁY POLSKIEJ

23 czerwca -  WIANKI 2015

26 czerwca - jeszcze jeden Koncert na zakończenie roku szkolnegomłodzież i dorośli z programów keyboardowych, saksofonowego i wokalu.

27 czerwca - „Światowy Dzień Smerfa” - gry i zabawy plenerowe dla dzieci i dorosłych, piknik rodzinny.

Mamy nadzieję, że każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie.

Do zobaczenia!

Powiatowe Forum Organizacji EdukacyjnychPowiatowe Forum Organizacji EdukacyjnychPowiatowe Forum Organizacji Edukacyjnych

wtorek, 2 czerwca 2015

Children's festival in Helenów

       1-st of July is a traditional holiday - International Children's Day: the General Assembly of UN suggested that the universal celebration of the World Day of the child will serve to strengthen solidarity and cooperation between the nations. Traditionally  there are different activities for children and charity events during this day. 
          2-nd of July our partner organization  Stowarzyszenie Promocji Wolontariatu took part in celebration of  Children's day in Helenów. And we as a volunteers, of course, was invited. During preparation we proposed to take our photobuds to let children and there parents to make interesting photos with hats, lips, mustache and so on or with big red heart, which we was making with big love for St. Valentines day. Besides we bought some paints for painting faces.

           At around 10 we started. Our Warsaw volunteers prepared the table with paper and paints, where children spend their time drawing. We put there our photobuds and began to wait, if some will come or not. Actually there were a lot of organizations, which provided different activities as games, carousels. We worked near big stage, where ware different performance. 

           Later we found that no one can paint faces. We let one of Warsaw volunteers starts and then became more brave to paint ugly faces :-)


          And we worked 3 hours non-stop painting butterflys, cats, dogs. tigers. Right now me and Claudia from Honduras are pro! 
          After break we came back and spend some time on the grass listening music. More photo for you:

Have a good time and protect children,


poniedziałek, 1 czerwca 2015

Voluntary Festival in Ciechanów

      The last days of spring, that were very warm and windy, we spend presenting out organization. On 30-th of May we were invited to the Voluntary Festival in Ciechanów   by Stowarzyszenie Ciechanowski Wolontariat. 
       The main idea was to present FIYE for young and not people from Ciechanów  and to show them different opportunities to go abroad and work there as a volunteer. 
     During our trip to Ciechanów weather was wonderful, but at the place, when we found organizers of the festiwal and start to prepare our working space, the strong wind began and blow away all our staff. 

           We wanted to create a little cafe, where everyone interested in voluntary service or workcamps can ask our coordinators Sylwia and Grzegosz about it and take advices, drinking limonade and eating sweet-stuff. But it was hard to realize this idea because of place (too small), wind (every time blowing away our poster, cups, flags and so on) and absence of young people. In spite of that, we told with people, who was going near our tent, showed them our chronicle with photos. 

      We was there about 3 hours meeting people, trying to become acquainted with different organization, giving interview, but the weather became more and more horrible and we decided to go. Anyway it was good day :-)

Good luck,
Elena :-)