wtorek, 10 czerwca 2014

Visit to Zatory

Hi everyone! 
Today we’ve visited Gymnazium in Zatory, which is a small village close to Pułtusk. A teacher of English who invited us and her students met us very warmly and friendly, so running 3 lessons wasn’t so tiring.
We kept our traditional structure - presentations about countries and small quiz in the end to see how attentive our students were. As usual teenagers were very shy at first but then they relaxed and even made a nice presentation about Zatory.So now we know a bit more about Pułtusk district.
Thanks to guys from third class we had a small guide tour and it was a good chance to see school’s everyday life. During this tour we got to know that the school is well-known for outstanding sport achievements – in each class there are many of cups and medals. And it's not wonderful, because they have an outstanding football field outside!

We also saw a kinder garden that is situated just in the building of the school. And on the way to it we’ve met a small educational installiation about Polish villages. Soon our tour came to the end and we left with a good feelings and memories about small and cosy school and its hospitable students and teachers! 

Have a nice day,

niedziela, 8 czerwca 2014

Dzien Dziecka or International Children's Day

My today’s post is about Children’s Day. Correctly to say that we had 2 Children’s Days – the first one was in Warsaw, the second – in Pultusk.  

Zsofi and I are familiar with Helenow, a Rehabilitation center for disabled children, from the very beginning of our EVS project – first of all, we had a preparatory meeting there and also this place became our “weekend shelter” (thanks to our kind volunteers we stayed there many-many times). We knew some of children leaving there, so we were happy to say “yes” when Sylwia suggested us to participate in a big event for children from Helenów. Why not to do something for your friends?!

International Children’s Day (or Dzien Dziecka in polish) in Helenow is a big event organized not only for inhabitants of the Center, every child who comes is welcome.  From the very beginning it was clear that there will be a lot of fun for small kids – bouncy castles, cotton candies, clowns, face-painting and workshops. At the same time teenagers and parents were watching performances. So, everyone had own entertainment! But some time after guys from famous polish pop-group came. Of course, teenagers’ attention was moved to them. Everyone wanted to have star’s autograph))

Talking about our volunteers’ role I can say that it was not difficult, but for sure important – Armenian volunteer Arpine and I were giving sets of food, other volunteers were taking care of some kids and made face-painting. For Arpine and me the task didn’t take a lot of time so we had a chance to watch a concert. And for me personally, it was also useful to see how such big events are organized and I got some ideas for the future.  

The second part of Children’s Day celebration wasn’t so wide as first one. The next day we went to Świetlica with small creative workshop. It was so great to know that our children are so creative and talented!

And also this time children got familiar with Dawid, our intern, and he got familiar with this part of our work.

Today I’ve asked myself what did I understand after these two days? And I realized that I’ve understood why I love working with children so much. I just love their smiles and I love that they are so sincere. I teach them and they teach me back how to be more patient and thoughtful, and of course how to make them smile!  

Take care,