wtorek, 2 lipca 2013

New EVS project - step 1

Hurray! A new EVS project has started when Zsofia Papp from Hungary came to Pułtusk on 1st July. 

Who is she?
Zsofi Papp, new EVS volunteer in Pułtusk
"I am a 19-year-old student from the small town of Kaposvár, Hungary. I have just finished my studies and today I arrived in Pultusk for my EVS service. This is not my first time in Poland, last year I participated in a Youth Exchange in Zwardon and it was love at first sight. That one week was amazing but not enough, so now I am coming back for one year."

But this is just the first step, in the beginning of August the second volunteer, Daria from far Irkutck, will join our team.

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