wtorek, 22 lipca 2014

With Children "en la forestra"

It was Tuesday morning and we started to wake up at 7:30 a.m. and heading to a cottage in the forest, with different games, and ideas to show to a group of 16 kids between 4 and 9 years old. It was really early in the morning, at least for me, but we had to prepare everything before 10:00, that was the time when the children were going to arrive to the place.

We cleaned everything and started to practice what we were going to show them, it was getting more and more funnier every second that passes, at around 9:00 everything was ready and prepare for them, we had special dances and popular games from Spain, a typical Korean board game, face painting (it seems that they lose their senses when someone offer to paint their face), and origami as usual.

At around 10:15 the children were arriving with their parents and as a welcome gift we teached them how to dance two typical Spanish dances, they were a bit shy at the beggining but with the time they started to enjoy more and more the activities we were doing with them, they were really funny, we divided them in some groups but in the end we modified the groups according to their preferences.

As the range of ages differ a lot the youngest children wanted to play with the paints and a bit older kids were with Andrés and Hugo playing different games and dancing, some typical Spanish game called “La Bandera” where you have two teams and every member of the team has a number, so when the one with “La Bandera” say a number, those numbers have to run to pick the flag and to go back to their line before the other catch him.

There was also a different Korean game, similar to Parchis where you had to eat the pieces of the other people, the maximun number of teams in this game were four, so in order to make more people participate we make the group bigger.

As a welcome to the children we paint a flower in our faces and different flags of other countries, in the end we had a barbecue with them where we were eating “kiełbasa” Polish sausage, really tasty if you want my opinion. At 2pm the kids had to leave with their parents, so it was a bit short but a great time with them.

I hope to be able to repeat it any time soon!
Take Care


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